Monday, August 31, 2009

Cranial Nerves

Cranial nerves are nerves that emerge directly from the brain stem in contrast to spinal nerves which emerge from segments of the spinal cord. Although thirteen cranial nerves in humans fit this description, twelve are conventionally recognized. The nerves from the third onward arise from the brain stem. Except for the tenth and the eleventh nerve, they primarily serve the motor and sensory systems of the head and neck region. However, unlike peripheral nerves which are separated to achieve segmental innervation, cranial nerves are divided to serve one or a few specific functions in wider anatomical territories.

Cranial Nerve:

Major Functions:

I Olfactory


II Optic


III Oculomotor

eyelid and eyeball movement

IV Trochlear

innervates superior oblique

turns eye downward and laterally

V Trigeminal


face & mouth touch & pain

VI Abducens

turns eye laterally

VII Facial

controls most facial expressions

secretion of tears & saliva


VIII Vestibulocochlear



equillibrium sensation

IX Glossopharyngeal


senses carotid blood pressure

X Vagus

senses aortic blood pressure

slows heart rate

stimulates digestive organs


XI Spinal Accessory

controls trapezius & sternocleidomastoid

controls swallowing movements

XII Hypoglossal

controls tongue movements


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