Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Principle of growth and development

Children may vary among each othe i their rate of growth and dvelopment. But stil all of them follow certain principles as follow.
  • Growth and development is a continuos prcess from conception to adolescence. The rate of growth varie at different ags. During prnatal d infancy period the eate of growth is very rapid. This growth rat gradully declines during early childhood During te middle hilhood the growth rate is slo. the growth rate again becomes rapid durn puberly. Thus infancy and puberty ar two specific periods of rapid growth.
  • The development takes place:
a.  In the cephalo-caudal directin.That means development proceeds from head to toe. For example the first step towards walking  is head control then sitting abilility.
b. Fom general to specific: That means general development takes place before special development. For example during skill development the gross motor skills will be developed before fine motor skills.


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